CSR and sustainability
MTS Euro Products
CSR and sustainability
Sustainability and corporate social responsibility are deeply rooted within the business operations of MTS Euro Products. 'The clear and green solution' is what we stand for and what you as a customer can count on. As a company, we want to be financially healthy, but certainly also environmentally conscious. We want to pay all due attention to people and the environment.
Every organization, small or large, has its own specific way of working. A system that works for that organization and satisfies its customers. ISO standards help an organization to map out and, where necessary, improve the structures and processes within this system. This is done, among other things, by means of an annual assessment by an independent body. In addition to optimizing our business processes, ISO certification contributes to the transparency of our organization. After all, transparency is one of the seven core values of our policy. Nowadays, ISO certification is often a condition for participation in tenders and therefore very important for our customers. MTS Euro Products has been ISO 9001 certified since 2005. This certification proves that our management system meets all standard requirements in the field of quality management. Since 2015, MTS Euro Products has also been ISO 14001 certified. This certification shows that we comply with international laws and regulations regarding the prevention of environmental damage and that we are able to continuously improve our environmental performance.